Housing Initiative Partnership values the many dedicated volunteers who contribute to our programs, from high school & college students completing community service hours, to seniors and industry professionals donating valuable skills to improve the lives of others. Annually, we recruit 30-35 volunteers to assist HIP’s staff with our programs and service offerings.
If you are interested in volunteering for HIP, please email a resume or the completed volunteer form below to: Lesia R. Bullock, Director of Resources & Communications at 301-985-5122 or lrbullock@HIPhomes.org.

Current Volunteer Needs, 2024 – 2025
HIP is currently seeking one-time and occasional volunteers who have an interest in affordable housing and community development outreach. You could assist staff with tabling at community fairs, special event preparation, videography and photography, data entry or overall administrative support with staff from our offices in Hyattsville, Germantown or Gaithersburg. (Please Complete the VOLUNTEER APPLICATION and email it.)
Brown Bag Deliveries to Senior Residents – in Bladensburg
- Assist HIP’s Resident Services Coordinator for Prince George’s County on the 2nd Thursday of each month (from 10am – 2pm) with receiving boxes of food and fresh fruits from the Capital Area Food Bank and coordinating the distribution of the food in the community rooms to 100 seniors at the Birchwood at Newton Green Apartments in Bladensburg, and Bladensburg Commons Apartments, which is located 3 miles away.
Community Outreach Volunteers – Eviction Prevention, Montgomery County
- Now that the Maryland courts are starting to reopen and hear Landlord-Tenant Eviction cases, HIP is in need of volunteer monitors to help the housing counseling team and tenant outreach specialist with circulating information to tenants at the Montgomery County courthouse who are at-risk of eviction. Volunteers would also assist Outreach Specialist with canvassing designated neighborhoods rental communities in Montgomery and Prince George’s County.
Office/Administrative Volunteer – Fall Fundraising, in Hyattsville
- Help Fundraising staff with planned mass mailings that require proofing, printing/sorting, envelope stuffing/stamping, as well as some filing and organizing during mid-November and late-December.
Client testimonials – Year-round
- Have you been helped by HIP’s counseling or real estate development staff? We’d love to hear from you!
Would you be willing to share your rental or home ownership story on how your life has been impacted by HIP’s services, or a volunteer experience? We’d love to hear your feedback and potentially use your testimonial on the HIP website, in a video, or in marketing brochures and other materials.